Interneting is Hard

A beginners introduction to Web Development

Benjamin published on
2 min, 211 words

This is a relatively simple exploration into basic web development concepts, following along with the Interneting Is Hard tutorial series.


I've never had much exposure to front end development, the little I have had has been in mature codebases where the styling and main page content was already determined and all I was doing was either copying a preexisting page or adding another table or form. This was an attempt at remedying this lack of exposure.

This was the first time I had ever worked with CSS in a serious manner, but I now don't feel like I'll be immediatly lost if someone starts talking about floats or flexboxes. I wouldn't necessarily trust myself to be able to implement a nice page layout from scratch without looking some aspects up again. However I hope this will significantly cut down on the time it takes me to either start from scratch or even become acquainted with a preexisting frontend codebase.

Web Typography was also particularly interesting to me as it also touched on how fonts are constructed, their history, and how a UI/UX designer might talk about them.

I also convered topics such as semantic HTML, and adapting pages for both web and mobile, i.e. Responsive Design.